Thursday 23 February 2012

Live Review - Die So Fluid @ Alter Ego, Manchester

7.11.11 – Die So Fluid at Alter Ego, Manchester

I have never been to Alter Ego before so the padded walls, dim red lights and low, dingy grunge music playing over the speakers are new but a fitting setting for tonight’s show. After surviving the embarrassment of walking in on a half naked support band singer, I hide my shame by wasting time hanging around the merch stand in the vain hope that someone will realise I have not a penny to my name and will give me a free t-shirt or something (didn't happen).

The support bands onstage tonight are many and varied, drifting from tame post-hardcore to whimsical, melodic gothic rock to biker metal with a rockabilly bite, the night doesn't exactly lack for entertainment before the band I’m here to see finally begin.

Newly blonde and clad in leather, lead singer and bassist Grog looks every bit the rock ‘n’ roll queen as she takes to the stage with searing vocals and charming stage presence. Mohawked guitarist, Mr Drew makes his guitar solos seem effortless, while his deathly serious face and dapper pinstripe suit-jacket give him the appearance of a Tim Burton-esque undertaker while drummer, Al provides a cool backbeat to the punchy gothic punk tinged mini-anthems.

Opening with Figurine, the opening track from their latest album (The World Is Too Big For One Lifetime), and gliding through to third album highlight Happy Halloween , each song gives Grog perfect opportunity after perfect opportunity to show off her soaring vocal abilities. Opportunities she never fails to effortlessly take. Despite a few cock-ups with the sound in the beginning, both band and audience remain in high spirits, running smoothly between songs new and old with catchy rhythms, thunderous basslines and charming stage presence, the band seem more than ready to take their music to new heights. The atmosphere continues until the end and an enthusiastic crowd calls for an encore.

Video credit: YouTube user - stepunk

Die So Fluid:
Official website
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